Pandemixtape #1 — It’s Global!

Felicia Gustin
3 min readMar 30, 2020


I’ve been finding lots of solace in music while sheltering in place. It began when I watched quarantined Italians taking to their balconies in collective song and Iranian doctors and nurses dancing to music in between treating patients.

Then I fell down that rabbit hole that is YouTube, where the music of every generation, nation, and genre can be found. My musical tastes have always run pretty eclectic and I’d revisit pieces I hadn’t heard in years and I’d travel across the globe and watch live performances by my favorite singers and discover new ones along the way.

I shared a few here and there with friends and some shared back, introducing me to music from far off places as well as songs that I may have missed in my own backyard (big shout outs to Lulu, Mundo, Amalia, and Lakota!).

Years ago, back when people still played CD’s, my daughter and I used to put together mixtapes as gifts for family and friends. So I’ve decided to put together a series of pademixtapes as a gift for family, friends, and even strangers. The first one focuses on the music of the world.

Though we are physically distancing, we still need human connection. And in the words of musician Roy Ayers, “The true beauty of music is that it connects people.” So let the connections begin! Enjoy!

Coming soon:
Pandemixtape #2: Higher Risk (Oldies)
Pandemixtape #3: Performers Not 10 Feet Apart (Duos, Groups)
Pandemixtape #4: Love in the Time of Covid-19 (Love Songs)
Pandemixtape #5: Gimme Shelter…in Place (Music to Lift Your Spirits)



Felicia Gustin

Writer, Artists, Social Justice Activist, Worked 3 decades @SpeakOut, Organizes with SURJ Bay Area (Showing Up for Racial Justice)